Is Playing A Musical Instrument Good For Your Health?

There is an old saying that says, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Although most of us have heard this, we also know that it isn't true. At the same time, the harmony shifts and the lyrics become more dramatic.” Maybe at first you cannot see why this song is relaxing, but someone who is highly stressed just needs to let it all out with a good cry. Music listening was reported at 38.5% of the prompts over the 7 days.

The longer one lets oneself be carried by this stimulus and one gives the power over to the body to move of its own accord instead of controlling the movements with the mind, the more one can enter into the 'non-thinking' dimension and attain an expansion of consciousness that takes us way beyond the narrow, robotic and compulsive thinking mind that is stuck on and in stress.

And, of course, a lot of us are working in preventive care, as well, in wellness programs, designing programs to help people with early Alzheimer's maintain memory function and attention as long as possible, people with Parkinson's disease being able to keep the integrity of their speech and flexibility of movement as long as possible, so they don't need as much medication as they would without the music therapy interventions.

For most people these are all signs of very high levels of stress and anxiety. Some like to work psychotherapeutically with somebody or work as music and medicine more prescriptively with a musical treatment that would target something like speech recovery or memory enhancement.

But some people are more relaxed while listening to their style of music. In fact, music has been scientifically shown time and time again to calm the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine, and psychological stress response. The innovative riffs, cool tones and complex rhythms can bring natural relief for mind & body.

Stress either exacerbates or increases the risk of health issues like heart disease, obesity, depression, gastrointestinal problems, asthma, and more. Table 4: comparisons of test grades, music listening and ASQ and TAS domain scores by gender. I play the saxophone almost every day, and can confirm that 4k snow playing music definitely relieves stress And stress can be bad for your mental and physical health.

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